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Our educational support is in three categories: The Adult Literacy Program, Educational Assistance, and Scholarships.


Adult Literacy Program

Our adult literacy program targets girls, women, youths including men who are illiterate or semi-literate. These are people who miss up on their education during their teens or dropped out of school and did not go far. We teach them how to read, write, and do simple arithmetic. We recruit from 14 years and above. Leaving no one behind, our goal of running the adult literacy program is to help eradicate the kind of suffering people go through as a result of illiteracy. Just A Girl gives beneficiaries basic reading and writing skills capacitating them to function at least at the level of a 5th or 6th-grade student.

Educational Assistance/Scholarships

JAGI’s educational support program is in two categories: primary and secondary beneficiaries. The primary beneficiaries are children of single mothers or single parents, children of young commercial sex workers, children of physically challenged parents living in destitute situations that are unable to raise their children’s fees fully to enable them successfully complete an academic year. JAGI support to these categories of children includes payment of registration fees and tuition, but it’s on a case-by-case basis. We also provide children with school supplies like (copybooks, book bags, shoes, uniforms, and pens and pencils). Base on the availability of funds we do full payment and sometimes pay a certain percentage of a beneficiary fee.

The secondary category of beneficiaries of our education assistance is the Just A Girl network members. This includes girls and young women within and outside of our network whose retention in school is a challenge due to a lack of financial resources by their parents. A beneficiary could be awarded a full-tuition payment for an academic year or for a semester at a given school base on a girl’s excellent academic performance. Others could have their fees paid for a semester. Beneficiaries are drawn from grade schools and universities/colleges.

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