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JAGI’S Community Service Launched, Advances Recommendations for Waste Management

The launch of our Community Service Program on April 28, 2018, saw an overwhelming motivation of our team including our HE4SHE Ambassadors. We cannot stop talking about the excitement that arose among the young people having the feel of what it means to give back to their communities through their service.

About 90 percent of  JAGI’s Members expressed that the weekend’s engagement was their first experience engaging in community service especially in such an organized and more entertaining moment.

Volunteerism and community service is one value that is missing among the majority of the Liberian youths. But Saturday’s interactions and 4 hours of service in the Duazon Lower Margibi Community helped shift their minds.

“This is my first time participating in community service, I enjoyed it and I will always be a part” Baryou Johnny said.

Followed by Ambassador Elijah Charles who said “As a young man, I don’t think we need to depend or wait on the government to clean up for us, I think it is good to give back to our community” Elijah said with excitement.

Not only did the day draw members of the team together in the field, but connected the hearts and minds of the young people to the community and serves as the building block for a vibrant relationship between Just A Girl Initiatives and the community residents.

The Community Service Day brought together about 28 members of the organization including the executive Director Mrs. Evelyn Kpadeh Seagbeh, JAGI’s Mentor Ms. Marennie Mitchell and the Chief Executive Officer of Liberia-Ghana Missions, Rev. Emmanuel Giddings who joined the team with their tools to work.  It was an inspirational moment seeking both leaders and members working with so much passion.

The initiative didn’t only allow the team to give the community facelift but also identified challenges that JAGI would present to the local authority to strengthen waste management in the communities to put an end to the environmental threats of residents burying their garbage. 

  1. That the county leadership provides or identifies a waste disposal/dump site for garbage collected from the community and homes.

  2. That the local leadership in district 1, Margibi County builds partnerships with the closet city corporations and sanitation companies to remove the garbage collected by JAGI and transport them to  the bigger dump sites and

  3. The county authority makes available or donates sanitation tools to empower JAGI’s Community Service Team to reach more homes and communities.

Meanwhile, a prominent resident of the community, who is also the head of OSIWA Liberia Madam Massah Crayton, has agreed to work with Just A Girl to proffer the first recommendation to the district representative, Hon. Tibelrosa Tarponweh. A subsequent meeting between Just a Girl and Madam Crayton is expected soon.

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