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Action Aid and European Union launch Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention to protect Women and Girls
(National News)
ActionAid Liberia, with support from the European Union, and in collaboration with its implementing partner, Community HealthCare Initiative has launched a three-year project to combat sexual and gender-based violence in communities.
The project is titled “Enhanced Protection from Sexual Gender-Based Violence for Women, girls and sexual minorities in Liberia”.
A new initiative is a comprehensive approach to addressing sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) in Liberia through prevention and support at the community level and enhanced response from providers (legal, health, education, gender) to survivors. By the end of the implementation period.
The project is expected to contribute to a more gender-sensitive society, benefiting at least 6000 women, girls, and sexual minorities in eight communities across three counties of Margibi, Gbarpolu, and Montserrado.
Founded by the European Union, the initiative seeks to improve protection from sexual violence and other forms of GBV including rape, domestic violence, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation for women and girls in Liberia and as well assist survivors.
Other focus areas of implementation would include facilitating the social, legal, and economic empowerment of women, girls, and sexual minorities and enable community leaders and local authorities to take actions to increase access to justice for survivors.
According to Action Aid Liberia, within the course of 2018, the project will work with 440 women, girls, and sexual minorities to lead on advocacy demand for protection from sexual violence and other forms of SGBV within their communities while gaining economic independence.
While the project will also enrich the knowledge of 120 traditional and religious leaders across the eight communities to improve the efficiency of community justice structures to prevent and or respond to SGBV cases at the community level.
Target areas to benefit the project include Banjor, Caldwell, and Low-Cost Village in Montserrado County; Kpan’s Town and Larkayta in Margibi County, Gbellekpalamu, Gbarqueta, and Smith Town in Gbarpolu County.